Another beautiful day in Magicadia…except your castle has suddenly become a tank. Then what’s with this unsettling prophecy that might lead to the end of all video games? The only thing you need to be aware of is your own confusion.
Make your choice of best Protectors Then get set to hack and slash , and throw spells at you as you play through a thrilling adventure featuring over 100 thumb-blistering map–plus several more available DLC bonus chapters!
The rules are easy. You must put Princess Lola in the castle to roll it along the tracks. There is a castle that is occupied by enemies at the bottom of each track. To take down your castle smash it in their castle. But don’t allow your enemy to erase Princess HP!
Pick from 8 Gotta Protectors, ranging from one who loves meat to a non-nudist ninja
The game can be played solo or in groups of two or more through local wireless networks or online.
You will be battling a multitude of adversaries at one time as you test your skills against unique bosses like Crab or Golem!
Personalize your heroes by adding a bevy of unique and tactically diverse abilities, all the way from defensive to openly offensive
Rock out to an infectious chiptune tune from the legendary Yuzo Koshiro
Tricks and tricks are available in order to unlock game carts. Each is a milk-snorting take-off of an actual, real game on The Something-or-other Entertainment System
When nature asks for breaks, put your computer screen with ancient gaming literature
Laugh, cry, and hurl to a timeless story which will be a delight to your heart.
GOTTA PROTECTORS CART of DARKNESS the Japanese indie sensation is getting out of the woods. The 80s are calling–collect–and it’s up to you to dust off your carts and put an end to the bodacious bad guys threatening Magicadia once and for all!
The Review sponsored by mha mitsuki comic porn
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