Scorn is a spooky first-person horror-adventure game set within a grotesque world full of bizarre shapes and sad tapestry.
The game is based on the concept of “being lost in the universe”. You will be isolated and lost in the dreamlike atmosphere. This unsettling setting is an entire individual.
Every location contains the theme (story) along with puzzles, as well as characters that play a role in the creation of a unified world. As you play, you’ll unlock new regions and acquire various skill sets such as weapons, different items and work to make sense of what you see.
A cohesive “lived within” world. Scorn is set in an open world that has diverse interconnected zones. Every region has a maze design that gives you a range of areas and several paths. It’s all told inside the game. The game doesn’t cut scenes to distract from the unpleasant reality of your world. Make sure to keep an eye on things – the game will not show any sympathy for you when something goes unnoticed on your wanderings. Every thing has a purpose and an explanation. The trick is to figure out why.
-Full body awareness – Players feel more immersed and conscious of their physique and movements. The environment is interacting with you in an authentic way. It is possible to pick up objects with your hands, rather than floating through the air. Equipment and devices can be operated with the help of the controls.
It is limited and defined with regard to control of ammunition and inventory. This is crucial in keeping players in the forefront of their thinking throughout the game. Players must be aware of when they must take on a challenge, when they should go undercover, and how consequences their actions can have on their situation. You will need to use various styles of play to advance.
Scorn Part 1 and 2 Do you think the game is split in pieces?
We plan to make it available in 2 sections. The first one will launch in 2018.
This two-part set represents everything that will ever be done. Absolutely no DLC expansions, DLC, or sequels are ever produced. Ever.
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